Square Zero

“The Square Before Square One”

Where Has Eric Been?

Posted by Eric (August 22, 2006 at 3:11 pm)

Searching for Eric at HQNothing is more tedious to read than a blog entry on why the blogger hasn’t bothered to post anything in a while, except possibly the list of ingredients on the side of cereal box. Then again, the dubious substances disclosed therein might produce a degree of anxiety in the reader that is incompatible with tedium.

Who cares why the blogger hasn’t blogged? Such a post is of intest—if at all—only for a day or two. Who really looks at the dates of archived entries anyway? One post apologizing (self-indulgently, of course) for not posting in a while is pretty meaningless in the midst of hundreds of posts with actual content.

Then again, not to say something after a hiatus of three months seems almost obscene. So here goes.

[Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Byzantine, Family, Pro-Life, What Not | 2 Comments »

Neither the Time nor the Place

Posted by Eric (May 24, 2006 at 1:30 pm)

DancersA few Saturdays ago day I beheld a delightful thing: three little girls were dancing around together in an open space in one of the party rooms of a restaurant. They were dressed up in fancy dresses and I suppose it made them feel like princesses of ballerinas. Their dance somehow combined elegant pirouettes with the bunny hop. A fourth, much littler girl tentatively tried to join in while the little brother of one of girls watched them, gleefully giggling at their silly, joyful dance.

I was considering hunting down my own littler girls—our whole family were guests at the party—to see if they would like to join in the dancing too, when one of the grown ups, an aunt or perhaps a wicked step-mother, came upon the little group and ordered them to stop. “This is neither the time nor the place for dancing,” she said. “You can sit down together and talk, or quietly play a game.”

[Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Children, Fatherhood | 7 Comments »

But It’s My Right! Ron Says So!

Posted by Eric (May 17, 2006 at 6:44 pm)

Mona Lisa, 3 eyesWe’ve got a new frontrunner for the Stupidest Thing I’ve Read This Year Award (previously held by “Spiritually, the guitar is the bedfellow of the kazoo”). Here’s The Da Vinci Code director Ron Howard (via Barbara Nicolosi):

To deny the right to see the film is a fascist act.

My wife April’s reply to this this weird statement: “Who’s trying to deny anyone the right to see The Da Vinci Code?”

My answer: “The guy at the ticket booth, if you don’t fork over your eight bucks. I guess he’s a fascist.”

Now I have a “right” to see The Da Vinci Code. You can toss it in the bucket with the other new rights that I’ve been hearing about lately, such as my right to pay less for car insurance, to have a full head of thick, luxurious hair and to earn a six figure income from my living room whilest wearing my pajamas.

Not to mention Ron Howard’s right to be a complete idiot.

BTW, Barbara Nicolosi, one of those smart-guy Catholics I was talking about the other day—and a real hoot in the bargain—is Da Vinci blogging at Church of the Masses. Also worth a visit:

Posted in Culture & Society, Movies & TV | 1 Comment »

Those “Hateful” Pro-Lifers

Posted by Eric (May 11, 2006 at 4:51 pm)

Who are the ones spreading hate, again?I want to alert readers of Square Zero that I’ve just published an article at Generations for Life addressing the notion that pro-lifers, especially we pro-life activists, are “filled with hate” in all that we do. This is the first installment in a series of articles debunking the myths that people believe about pro-lifers and the pro-life movement. (You can read the introduction to the series here.) Comments welcome here or at Generations for Life.

Posted in Pro-Life | 2 Comments »

The Orthodox & Contraception

Posted by Eric (May 11, 2006 at 1:10 am)

The VisitationWhen it comes to me and Eastern Christianity, I’m something like a newlywed: I’m in giddy with love and most sincerely committed, but still have a lot to learn about this mysterious Other. This is especially true when it comes to Eastern theology, particularly on the issue of marriage and the related questions of divorce and contraception.

Fortunately, there are smart guys like Karl Schudt out there to help me along. [Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Byzantine, Theol. of the Body | 31 Comments »