Square Zero

Archive for October, 2006

A Gift of the West

Posted by Eric (October 18, 2006 at 10:02 am)

St Joseph Mary and Jesus

“And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”—Luke 2:40

Moving in Eastern Christian circles one hears much criticism of Roman Catholicism, almost to a point of disdaining all things Western, but this Saturday I saw a couple of statues at a Roman Catholic church that reminded me of one of the gifts of the West.

The statues were those of Mary and Joseph standing, in accord with tradition, at the left and right of the sanctuary at Sacred Heart Church in Lombard, Illinois, where I attended Mass before speaking to the parish pro-life group. I was seated on the left side of the church and the statue of Mary caught my eye—she holds a broom as the boy Jesus stands at her feet reaching up for her.


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