Square Zero

“The Square Before Square One”

A Long and Sustained Effort

Posted by Eric (March 5, 2007 at 1:00 pm)

Blessing Hand by Fr. Tom LoyaWe are now in the third week of the Great Fast. I wrote several posts about the Fast last year, but as yet I don’t feel called to write much about it this year. However, I do want to address the question of whether one ought to fast on Sundays during Lent.

My short answer is: Yes.

[Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Byzantine, Faith | 2 Comments »

Babies Are Eating the Planet!

Posted by Eric (February 28, 2007 at 6:59 pm)

The Child CatcherThe “anti-breeding” animations of artist Nina Paley have to be seen to be believed. I would call her “radical child hater Nina Paley,” but even that doesn’t come close to describing her apparent contempt for children—and indeed for all resource-consuming human beings.

Then again, for all I know she might be quite fond of the particular children she knows, preferring to despise only those unknown but too-numerous children spawned by Christians and suburbanites. Consistent logic is not to be expected from those who hold the view that human beings are by their nature a blight upon the planet; they apparently except themselves from that analysis, so why not their friends and their children’s friends too?

But whatever Ms. Paley may be like in person, her animations are horrific—the more so because she is tremendously talented. See for yourself: [Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Culture & Society | 1 Comment »

Lemmings for Obama

Posted by Eric (February 13, 2007 at 10:20 am)

Lemmings for ObamaAt our protest at the Barack Obama presidential candidacy announcement, we got a chuckle from this guy’s sign: Lemmings for Obama. As things were winding down, I walked over and talked to him a bit.

“That’s an interesting sign,” I said. “What’s it all about?” He told me he wanted to make the point that people don’t know what they’re supporting.

“So what are some of the kinds of things the people out here don’t know about Obama?” I asked. [Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in What Not | 17 Comments »

Unbroken Chain of Weirdness

Posted by Eric (December 30, 2006 at 10:29 pm)

Eric in PAThanks, Matt. Seems I’ve been “tagged” and now I have to tell six weird things about myself as well as “tag” six friends—that is to say, six people who will have been my friends up until I impose this sort of “chain letter of weirdness” on them.

So, six weird things about me:

  1. The first weird thing about me is that I’m not all that eager to reveal weird personal things on in public. That is, as far as I’m concerned, a normal thing about me, but not so in the blogosphere. From that, you might conclude that the five weird things to follow are not the very weirdest things about me.
  2. [Continue reading this entry »]

Posted in Bicycling, Photos & Art, What Not | 6 Comments »

McWalBucks Update

Posted by Eric (December 12, 2006 at 9:01 am)

McWalBucksAfter a week, I find that my previous post on “McWalBucks” is now in the #2 spot at Google on a search for that term. Only mcwalbucks.com ranks above. Thanks for the links.

And thanks to the kind of semantically rich code that Google loves so much.

Posted in Culture & Society, Technology | 1 Comment »