Posted by Eric (August 23, 2006 at 12:04 pm)
I was delighted recently to find an incoming link to Square Zero from the photography blog Benra in an article called “What’s Buggin’ You?”. The article included a link to my post, “Insect Photos”. I thought I’d share a few more of them.
This first set were shot with a Canon Powershot SD450, which I recently acquired—all except the photo of the spider in its web, which was shot with a Digital Rebel XT. Click on the thumnails for the full view.

This next were all shot with the Rebel at the butterfly garden at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Chicago: (more…)
Posted in Photos & Art | Comments Off on More Insect Photos
Posted by Eric (August 22, 2006 at 9:14 pm)

Blessed is he who sits not in the seat of scoffers.—Psalm 1:1
In my last post I said I was going off on a 30 mile road ride. I decided instead to go mountainbiking at Saw Wee Kee park, a woods grown over an old strip mine, filled with miles of tight, hilly, rocky, sandy and very challenging singletrack.
This was my first mountainbike ride in almost a month—it isn’t only the blog I’ve been neglecting under the demands of this exceptionally busy summer—and it was a real challenge. I’m at the point where I can knock out a thirty- or even forty-mile road ride and then carry on with a busy day, but Saw Wee Kee really took it out of me.
There are some among my associates who delight to scoff at the notion that there is any serious mountainbiking in the Chicago area, and never miss an opportunity to sniff when I mention a grueling climb or wicked descent, or employ the word “hill.”
“There are no hills around here,” they tell me. “If you want a hill, you’ve got to go to [insert home state here].”
Posted by Eric (August 22, 2006 at 3:11 pm)
Nothing is more tedious to read than a blog entry on why the blogger hasn’t bothered to post anything in a while, except possibly the list of ingredients on the side of cereal box. Then again, the dubious substances disclosed therein might produce a degree of anxiety in the reader that is incompatible with tedium.
Who cares why the blogger hasn’t blogged? Such a post is of intest—if at all—only for a day or two. Who really looks at the dates of archived entries anyway? One post apologizing (self-indulgently, of course) for not posting in a while is pretty meaningless in the midst of hundreds of posts with actual content.
Then again, not to say something after a hiatus of three months seems almost obscene. So here goes.